Strict? Me? Never! That’s what you may be thinking. But strictness is a spectrum. And sometimes parents can teeter into harmful righty without even realizing it.
In this episode, I explore why some parents lean towards strictness, signs that you might be overly strict, and the effects it can have on your teenager.
Key Points Covered:
- Differentiating between authoritative and authoritarian parenting styles, and the spectrum within.
- Recognizing behaviors like zero tolerance for mistakes, excessive rules, and lack of room for discussion or natural consequences.
- Exploring why parents might be stricter regarding grades and romantic relationships, and the underlying motivations.
- How strict parenting can make teens feel inadequate, voiceless, and stressed, impacting their self-esteem and emotional well-being.
- Examining reasons like the need for control, cultural influences, emotional instability, and lack of positive parenting skills.
- Practical steps you can take to ease up on strictness, including self-reflection, embracing changing relationships, and seeking support.