In this episode, I’m joined by Mileva Repaski, co-founder of the Phone Free Schools Movement. Mileva shares her personal story and how she, Sabine Polack, and Kim Whitman have banded together to ensure a better future for our children.
The movement’s mission is to provide youth the freedom to excel academically and develop socially without the distractions, pressures, and harms of phones and social media during the school day.
Topics discussed include:
- The negative impacts of constant connection, including anxiety, loneliness, and academic setbacks.
- What it means to be a Phone-Free School and practical steps for successful implementation.
- The benefits of removing phones from the school environment for students and teachers.
- Parent concerns about student safety and emergency communication.
- Stories from schools that have transformed their learning environment by going phone-free.
- How YOU can get involved – parents, teachers, and students alike.
Phone Free Schools Movement Website
"The Anxious Generation" by Jonathan Haigt
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